For Sale $475,000 - Apartment
Monarc – Brand New Lakeside Apartment
Monarc is perfectly positioned at the top of Albert Park Lake on Queens Road, Melbourne.
A genuine lifestyle location, Monarc is brand new and ready to move into.
This apartment is north facing with abundant natural light and excellent views across Albert Park Lake and the city. Minutes in any direction will see you experiencing the best of Melbourne.
Monarc includes exclusive amenities including a residents lounge with cinema TV and wifi plus an indoor and outdoor gym. Last two units available for sale.
开发商:Evolve Development
类 型:一房一卫公寓
面 积:53 平米
价 格:47.5万起
周边设施:步行3分钟可到电车站,直通市区。步行5分钟可到Albert公园,草坪绿地是您散步、健身、打球、野餐、遛狗的好去处,也是每年F1赛车的举办地。继续向西步行15分钟左右,可以到达墨尔本最著名的St Kilda海滩,那里是著名的旅游景点,也是餐厅,SPA,水上运动最集中的地方。项目紧邻墨尔本富人区,临近两所百年私立学校:墨尔本文法学校和卫斯理学校。